Monday, June 11, 2007

Our Busy Weekend

We spent most of the day Saturday getting the rest of the stuff out of the old office/craft room so we could get ready for the twins. Thomas found a heart post it pad and enjoyed putting hearts on me & him.
We got all the office furniture out and just have a few boxes in there that we have to go through. We picked up the 2nd crib Friday evening. Jim got both cribs set up, the dresser & changing table. We both feel more prepared and ready for the twins to come. We still want to paint the room, but that's not Jim's #1 priority. I still need to clean all my stuff out of the closet and we need to put closet organizers in, but that shouldn't take too long. We do have a list of names. We've decided we want them to have the same initials so if you have any good ideas let me know. He's already rejected Rachel & Ross for all you old Friends' Fans!

Here's a picture of me taken on Sunday. I'm almost 30 weeks, so about 7 months. There is a shadow that makes me look bigger. I think I grow overnight sometimes because things that fit fine a few days ago, have a hard time going over my big belly. I still have about 7 weeks to go! At my last Dr.'s appt. my belly measured 32 big do you think it will get?
Thomas started a new thing this week. I'll say, Let's get dressed or change your diaper, or whatever, and he says no, not right now and shakes his hand to keep me away. Or he'll say in a minute. I guess I say both of those things a lot.

This is Thomas' big smile.

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