Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Averi’s 1 Year Stats

Averi had her 1 year appointment last Thursday. Here’s her stats:

17 pounds 9.4 oz..

29 inches long

Head: 17 3/8 inches

She got 5 shots and did great. She only cried for about a minute afterwards. She is one tough cookie! Her Dr. isn’t concerned about her weight since Averi is running around after her siblings, she doesn’t have much fat! She doesn’t mind facing backward in her car seat because she can see Kaylee and Matthew. I weaned her last week as well. The first few days were a little rough for her (and me) she was very clingy.  Now she is enjoying her Sippy cup and the freedom that comes with it! She is sleeping better as well, so that is nice! Here’s some pictures of our 1 year old and some of the things she loves to do!


She loves to play in the driveway, especially on Thomas’s scooter.


Helping decorate the tree...I snapped a quick picture then we got the ornament out of her mouth.


She loves oatmeal. She has it pretty much every morning for breakfast. She won’t let me feed her so she is usually pretty messy. She holds the spoon in one hand and shovels the oatmeal with the other hand.


She does the same thing with yogurt…it is very messy! She loves for Jim to carry her around when he is home. We call it “The Daddy Ride.”


She loves her cousin Livy. Livy calls her A-E. She also loves suckers and candy canes. This was at our ward party and there were candy canes on the table. Averi had to have one!


She loves to play outside and loves the bounce house and trampoline.

We love you Averi Elizabeth!


Andrea said...

Oh Averi. I love you too. Thanks for being Tessa's friend.

Carolee said...

Oh, she is so sweet! Congrats on weaning! (freedom!)...but condolences, too. Thanks for all the cute pics. She seems so happy and healthy.

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